Sunday 17 March 2013

Straight...or is it?

I was recently sent a BC message over BBM. It contained a survey that said:
Do you prefer girls with curly hair or straight hair? At first I thought, "Alright, which idiot sent it this time?" But it turned out to be one of my friends. Oi vey! But since she so kindly asked, I will give her a public amswer. My honest opinion is that I really don't care. As long as your breath smells good and don't steal my underwear in the dead of night then leave me high and dry the next day, then you're alright. But, yeah the arse, I think I would prefer curly hair. Straight hair has quickly become too common nowadays and everytime a girl asks me this question I feel like shaving all her hair off. That'll give her something to ask about: Should I wear the blonde wig or the red wig? I think the red accentuates my bald head.
On the otherside, I'm not denying that girls with straight hair look friggin darn good (Like Laura from cycle eighteen [British invasion] of ANTM. That girl looks expensive, which is tres magnifique.), but I am saying that it's been shoved down everyone's throats for far too long. So consider that, girls, next time you come across a hair straightener in the beauty isles.
Goodier, Papercut

The First Of The Bunch

Hello, hello, hello there. My name is Papercut and I am the founder of this blog. It's really exciting because I get to talk about most (wink, wink) of the things I love such as cooking, gaming, fashion and all the rest. I hope to get a strong following. So feel free to comment on any and all of my posts. See you soon,
Goodier, Paper Cut.