Saturday 13 April 2013

I am actually pleased with the progress I have been making lately. Pretty dang am. Especially when it comes to my carnal matters. You don't need to know what that means. My friend was eating a Hawaiian pizza today at lunch in front of me and I couldn't help but think, "I hope you choke."
Sadly, and thankfully 'cause I wouldn't know what to do, she didn't. Ding it! But, life offers second chances called tomorrow ( nod eyebrows and laugh maniacally). Onto more interesting news, I just saw the magnificent being that broke my coat virginity. Look up at the coat, people, not the man. It isn't really as glamorous as you may think, especially if it takes you hours to find the perfect size (ha, ha). Oh, the pain of skinniness. How big are people's hips nowadays? I don't even fit into my school uniform pants, I have to use a belt or hold it up. Back to the coat, I love the colour and material most of all. The long zipper is just an added bonus to the great masterpiece, oh how jealous you must be. I like how it clings to your arms. so you don't have to hold onto that knife. I'm not trying to give you any ideas. Bad, kitty. Bad, bad, kitty!
'Till next we meet, Goodier, Moi Mentil Mind.

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